Fernando S. Mendoza, MD, MPH
Professor of Pediatrics, Emeritus, Stanford University
Dr. Mendoza, a native of Gardner and Willow Glen in San José, is an emeritus professor of pediatrics and emeritus Associate Dean of Minority Advising and Program at Stanford University School of Medicine. His research has investigated the health and well-being of minority and immigrant children. He also has researched pediatric workforce diversity. He has served on national committees regarding the health of children and workforce diversity. He hasreceived national awards for his work on child health and workforce diversity, most recently the
Joseph W. St. Geme, Jr. Leadership Award from the Federation of Pediatric Organizations. He practiced as a Stanford pediatrician in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties and at the Lucile Packard Children Hospital for more than 35 years.
Fernando believes that community partnership is the key to improve the lives of children and families.